
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Reasons to Feel Fabulous Turning 40

I remember how excited I was when I turned 20 (even though it was so very very long ago). It was the start of being an adult. Turning 30 was a bit depressing and worrisome because I felt I was getting more mature and what would life be like after that? As we know 40 is half way to 80 years old and it's not as scary as we thought it should be. Yes, it seems like our milestones are going to the end, but let’s think in another way. We don't have much time left so we should be happy and do what we love to do. Cut out all the crabs in our life and care for people we love and who love us. I have learned so much from my past and gained more attitude than when I was young that makes me so sure why I feel fabulous turning 40. Let me show you what the reasons are. 

1. I know how to say “No”. We all have tried so many things in our life. We tried all the food or activities we might like. Some might have tried smoking, getting a tattoo etc. In the past I would feel the need to make excuses for things I did not want to do or try. Now I’m willing to say No for the things I don't want to do without to bring up the excuse why I don't like it. No longer to pretend to like something when I really don’t. Being true to yourself is an amazing feeling. 

 2. I don't care anymore how people think. Only care for people I love and who love me. Those people who don't know me, how they think does not matter to me anymore. We all don't need hundreds of friends. By the time we turn 40 we have weeded out some of the friends who bring us down and keep the ones who are positive and support you. Don't waste time with haters, instead, concentrate on the people who love you. 

3. I plan to use the time I have left on this earth to accomplish things I can manage. Time to check my bucket list: 
  •  Taking part in a 5k run 
  •  Backpacking trip with my son 
  •  Spend time at Spa together with my mom 
  •  Visit Salsa dance nightclub 
  •  Trip to Maldives Island 
  •  Participate in Yoga & Music festivals 
  •  Pay it forward 
  • Sing along when my son play instrument 
  • learn 3rd language 
  • take basic pistol shooting course

My lists still grow more as the times pass by. Do what make us feel great and that will make us happy for sure. 

4. I know how to get pass someone opinion because it's just opinion. People who we don't like we can't change them but we can change our response to them. Know how to let it go, how to not say anything or how to walk away silently. 

5. As I approach 40 I discover to love myself and my body, love the way I am. Yoga is a tool to make me discover this amazing feeling. I feel strong and have the best body in my life. To explore what is best for me and makes me feel beautiful inside and out. Once we learn to love our self we start to search out what the best for our body. Using products free from dangerous ingredients is one of them, as we know part of our body go down hill when we turn 40. For example hair. Better to use shampoo without sodium laureth sulfate or conditioner without silicone. After eliminating those chemicals, you will notice your hair won't fall out as much. Safe products can make you feel better, trust me. Not only good for yourself, for the planet also. 

Soon to be 40 years old and I know for sure it will be fabulous and I will be thankful to have reached it. Celebrate to all 40 years old life to be!


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